The cost of cheap leather sofas in recent years has fell and it is now possible to buy cheap leather sofas from a variety of outlets whilst not compromising on quality and style. The importation of cheap leather sofas from the Far East and more recently Eastern Europe has made buying leather sofas more affordable and brought a wider range of choice to the market, this factor along with new methods of construction and cheaper types of leather means great savings can be had. Below are a few factors to consider when buying a cheap leather sofa.
Internet versus High Street
Internet retailers are often able to offer better deals on cheap leather sofas as opposed to high street stores. Running a large high street store can result in huge overheads which the retailer will have to account for, usually in the price of the sofa! Internet firms with smaller overheads are able to pass these savings onto the customer however it may not be possible to view or try the sofas out before buying so it really is a trade-off between price and viewing the sofas beforehand.
Full leather versus leather / leather match
Many cheap leather sofas are made using a method of upholstery known as leather / leather match. A leather hide is used for the wearing surfaces, this usually comprises of the seat cushions back cushions and arms and a leather match or imitation leather is used to the non-wearing surfaces. This results in a high quality suite with the look of a full leather sofa but at a reduced price due to the saving in materials. As its name suggests leather match can look identical to the leather used elsewhere in terms of colour and grain but is usually PU based.
Build quality
If you are looking at buying cheap leather sofas but are concerned about build quality, there are a few features you should look for as a minimum in terms of specification.
Frame – Ideally this should be a hardwood frame that is both glued and screwed for extra strength and durability
Suspension – For the best in both comfort and durability pocket sprung seats are top of the list. Pocket sprung seats have vertical springs in individual pockets across the whole seat, this type of seating ensures the seat will spring back to its original shape. Second to pocket springs are serpentine springs these are zigzag shaped springs that run across the seat. A sprung seat should then be topped with high density foam. Low end sofas will often not have any suspension and feature a foam filled seat, these will not last as long as sprung cheap leather sofas.
With this information in mind it is possible to source good quality cheap leather sofas at a great price that will last you for years to come.